Week 22 - May 26-June 1, 2024: A Fathers Help

This week’s daily readings:

May 26-June 1, 2024

This week’s devotional:

A Father’s Help

by The Rt. Rev. Brian Bethke


I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
    where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven and earth.

— Psalm 121:1-2 (NIV) 


When my children were younger, I would take them to the park so they could play on the various obstacles. They would go down the slide, ride the spring-loaded horse, and climb the multi-layered tower. One obstacle always seemed to be insurmountable – literally out of their reach – the monkey bars. 

Each of my children would approach the monkey bars differently. My oldest child Gabby, undeterred, would shimmy up the side pole then hoist herself onto the monkey bars and attempt the treacherous journey, but would eventually lose her grip and fall into the wood chips below. My middle child Brian would climb as far as he could on the ladder that sat at the beginning of the monkey bars, then attempt to jump and grab the first bar in mid-air. Although his fingers would touch the first bar, he too would become a causality to the wood-chipped floor. Finally, my youngest child Madison, after seeing her older siblings attempt and fail this feat, would forgo the monkey bars all together and go to a safer obstacle.

At some point during our excursion at the park, each child would ask me for help to traverse the monkey bars. I was more than happy to help. I would lift them up to reach the bars. I would support them as they traversed the bars. I would encourage them as they gained momentum and celebrate as they made it across. All they had to do was ask!

We have a Father in heaven that is the Creator God – “maker of heaven and earth.” He is more than willing to help us traverse the obstacles of life; more than able to help! He is for us and has shown that primarily in the person of Jesus Christ who paid the price for our sin. 

What do you need help with right now in your life? Where do you go for that help? To whom do you look? 


Heavenly Father, life can be hard. So many things I long to accomplish are just out of my reach. I thank you for always caring, always reaching out, always being available to help if I only ask! I lay my burdens at your feet right now, knowing that Jesus is with me in Spirit and in truth. I ask for your mighty help in Jesus’ name. Amen

Stacy Smith