Join us for worship every Sunday at 10:00 am in person at 66 Maple Street in Middleton.
Arriving & Parking
Where should I park? Parking is accessible from both Maple Street (Route 62) and Webb Street.
When should I arrive? Sunday worship begins at 10 a.m. and lasts between an hour and an hour and fifteen minutes. Enter through the doors at the front of the building, which faces Maple Street.
What should I wear? People wear a variety of styles of clothing, from very casual to more dressy. First-time visitors might feel most comfortable in “business casual.”
Worship & Families
Do you use bulletins or a screen? Yes! Everyone receives a bulletin as they come in which can be useful in guiding you through the order of worship. Nearly all words spoken or sung by the congregation are projected onto the screen. Large print song lyrics are available in print for those who need them.
What kind of music should I expect? Our music is a combination of hymns and contemporary worship songs. We often have acoustic and electric guitars on the platform, as well as drums and a grand piano. Our pipe organ is only used occasionally.
Nursery Care is available for young children ages six months through four years old. Ask an usher when you come in and someone will help you.
After the Service you’re welcome to join us downstairs for Coffee Hour and snacks if you’d like. We’d love to get to know you better!
Our sanctuary is fully accessible for those with physical disabilities. Use the rear entrance for access to the lift.
We do offer sign-language interpretation for the hearing impaired.
Watch our services online.