Week 6 – February 2-8, 2025: You Can’t Choose Your Family, but God Can Choose You!

This week’s daily readings:

February 2-8, 2025

This week’s devotional:

You Can’t Choose Your Family, but God Can Choose You!

by Murielle Francois


Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Messiah. 

— Matthew 1:17 (NIV) 


This verse references Christ’s genealogy. Have you ever wondered where you came from, your own genealogy? Who were the people in your family tree? Wouldn’t it be cool to trace your bloodline all the way back to Bible times?! My ethnic lineage is a well-known story. My ancestors came from Africa. They were bought, sold, and dropped off on the island now known as Haiti and were slaves to the French. Then they fought against the French and won. That’s pretty much the short story of my family background and would also ring true for a good portion of people of Caribbean descent. But is that the whole truth? I don’t know and haven’t really dug to find out. I don’t think it’s truly important because, to me, the coolest family on the planet is the body of Christ. My brothers and sisters in Christ are of different skin tones and speak many languages. They come from a variety of cultures and have different histories.

Now, that’s a very cool family! I’m not saying that my original family isn’t cool. There are many cool things about my family background and culture. I like to say I grew up in two different cultures. I grew up at home in a Caribbean culture, as if we were still on the island. Then I went to school in the American culture and my language changed at home. I spoke 3½ languages and at school I spoke one. Some of my classmates were raised very differently from me, like the way some of them talk to their parents. I wouldn’t dare talk to mine that way. I tell my parents all the time that the greatest inheritance I have received has been the exposure and knowledge of Christ. God chose me to be a part of his family! Sometimes when you hear people’s stories, they’ll tell you that they found God. But God chooses who he wants to be in his family, and I know from experience with the Holy Spirit that I have been chosen by God. What an awesome family to be a part of! My Heavenly Father created the universe. He created life itself and the blueprint for humans. He’s an amazing Father, who cannot be matched, in my humble opinion. Instead of looking at my ancestral background with sadness, I can look at my Christ family that spans all generations, nationalities, ethnic backgrounds, and languages. Imagine how it will sound when we all come together to praise God: a rainbow of skin tones, every tongue, tribe, and nation… it will be awesome! 

We can’t pick the parents we are born to, and we can’t pick our siblings, but when God picks you, you should pick him back! When he calls you to come into his arms, you can accept the invitation and welcome him as your Father. God knew who was going to be our parents, our siblings, and our family members. He chose them from among all the people throughout time. He said, “Yes, that’s the one!” 

I know people who have researched their lineage are very proud of the fact that they can trace their family back so far. I’m OK that I can’t do that, but what I can do is boast about who my unmatchable Father is. I can do that and be proud of it. I thank God that he chose me, that he took me in before the foundation of the earth and chose me! He said, “Yep! She’s not perfect, but I still want her to be a part of my family.” God wants us all, and even in our imperfection, he picks us.


O Mighty God, I thank you for the grace and the mercy that you have brought into my life. Thank you that today your grace is sufficient. Unmatchable God, I thank you that you chose me to be in your family – that with all my imperfections, you chose me! And even when I make mistakes, say, or do the wrong thing, you don’t drop me and say that I’m not chosen anymore. I am still your child, so help me to fight back when the enemy says that I’m not any longer. Remind me that he’s lying and says nothing for my good. I’m so grateful that you’ve chosen me, God, and I, in return, choose you! I praise you in Jesus’ name. Amen

Stacy Smith