Week 8 – February 16-22, 2025: Jesus Didn’t Come to Bring Peace
This week’s daily readings:
February 16-22, 2025
This week’s devotional:
Jesus Didn’t Come to Bring Peace
by Katelyn Arnold
You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.
— Matthew 10:22 (NIV)
I have struggled with people-pleasing my entire life.
When I was a junior in college, Jesus saved my life. I had pretty much hit rock bottom that year, but the Lord so graciously picked me up and basically said, “I love you, I care about you, and there is hope in me.”
The scales truly fell from my eyes when I accepted Christ into my life that year. I could see so much more clearly! My thoughts towards my old habits and ways almost immediately changed (and continue to change), however my actions remained the same. And that’s because I didn’t want to be different.
I found myself struggling between living my life the way God called (and continues to call) me to live versus wanting to fit in with my close friends. I didn’t tell them that I was a Christian because I was afraid of what they would think and say about me, so I just kept going along with what they were doing to fit in. This led me to start living a ‘double life’ and ultimately feeling depleted.
However, this past year, the Lord has given me boldness in my faith that is both incredible yet challenging for someone like me who has struggled with people-pleasing, because being bold means being different and, therefore, being hated by others.
I have faced (and continue to face) judgement from my friends and family almost every single day because I am different. My life looks different. Not because I am better than them or special in any way, but because I have denied myself and am following Jesus.
As difficult as it’s been, I am constantly reminded of two things: 1.) that Jesus didn’t come to bring peace on earth (Matthew 10:34), and 2.) that I am going to be hated because of Him. In John 15:18-19, Jesus says, “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.”
What a blessing it is that Jesus has called me out of this world! Before and after I got saved, I just wanted to be like everyone else, but I’ve realized and accepted that, when I experience persecution for my faith, I am identified as a follower of the Lord and Savior Jesus, aka the LIGHT of the world! I strive to be like Him every single day and when I’m judged for the things I don’t do, I take it as a compliment because I’m reminded of what He went through during His ministry.
I would rather stand firm in my faith and be hated by loved ones in hopes that the Lord would use me as a vessel to soften their hearts than continue to live a double life, just so to avoid being hated.
Lord, thank you so much for giving me boldness in my faith this past year! I know that this boldness only comes from your strength, not mine. I ask that you continue to bless me with even more boldness at my job, with my friends, and at home. Thank you for convicting me of trying to please others over you. And thank you for challenging my faith every single day on my frontlines. God, it hasn’t been easy, but I am reminded of who I am in Christ and what it looks like to be a follower of you. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen