Week 18 - April 28-May 4, 2024: Watch Out!
This week’s daily readings:
April 28-May 4, 2024
This week’s devotional:
Watch Out!
by The Rt. Rev. Brian Bethke
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.
— 1 Peter 8-9 (NIV)
I love watching nature shows on television. The cinematography, wildlife, and settings give me a glimpse into a world that is foreign to me as a suburbanite. Some of the most interesting nature shows are those that feature big cats. We see a lion, tiger, or jaguar concealing themselves in their natural terrain, strategically positioning themselves in a place where the prey animal will be isolated and vulnerable. The cat stealthily inches closer and closer, just patiently waiting for the right time. It is usually at this point that I yell out to the deer, gazelle, or whatever creature is getting stalked, “Don’t go over there! Stay with your herd!” Inside, I am rooting that the prey animal will get wise, go back to the herd, hear a sound, or somehow see the danger. But most every time the story ends the same. Once the prey animal is isolated and lowers its guard, the big cat pounces. Dinner is served!
Similarly, our enemy the devil is patient. He waits for us to be complacent, distracted, and isolated, and when we are he pounces. In Christ, we can resist! We have his Word: the Bible. We have the Holy Spirit. We have our herd, the Body of Christ – the Church. With all these on our side, informing us and helping us, we should be alert to the danger and able to thwart the devil’s attack.
So, are you being complacent or distracted in your life right now? Are you connected with or isolated from other Christians? Are you standing firm by reading God’s Word? What might God be inviting you to repent, release, renounce, or receive right now?
Dear Lord, protect us from our perilous enemy, the devil. Satan would love nothing more than to take our lives and will stop at nothing to attack us. It seems he has so many ways to distract us and lead us into harm! Help us to stay alert at all times in order to resist his sneaky schemes. Thank you for all the protection you offer: the faith we have in you, the power of your Word, the Holy Spirit, and even other believers. Give us protection and safety by staying connected to you and to each other in Christ. Amen